This recipe has been tested, but it turned out WAY too salty with the ingredients that were listed at first. Reduced the tamari and miso levels, see also notes about marinade.

Tempeh Stroganoff

Makes 6 servings


Raw Materials




  1. Cut tempeh into bite-size chunks (about 1”x 1” x 3/8”) and marinate. Add water to cover tempeh.
  2. After the tempeh has soaked for 2-3 hours, fish it out of the marinade. Hold onto the marinade, you'll be using it later. [note: next time I make this myself I will not be adding the marinade to the sauce — my first attempt came out extremely salty -libby]
  3. Bake tempeh in oiled casserole pan for an hour at 250°. Stir at least once while baking.
  4. Now, in a large pot, melt the butter over a low flame. Add the flour and whisk to make a fairly thick roux. Add the seasonings. Allow roux to cook a little bit, keep flame very low and stir often. Add 1/2 cup of water and stir until smooth.
  5. Next, put the yogurt, miso and sour cream in a big bowl. Add the marinade and white wine. Whisk until blended. Add this to the sauce in the large pot. Heat gradually over a low flame.
  6. In a big skillet with a little oil, sauté onions, celery, and mushrooms. When doing the mushrooms, add a little white wine and a pinch of salt. When vegies are done, transfer them to the straganoff pot, juices and all.
  7. Let the stroganoff cook until thick. Add water or stock if it seems to be getting too thick. Don’t let it stick to the bottom. Lastly, add the baked tempeh.
  8. Stroganoff is best served over rice or egg noodles.

If you’re interested, you can see the original draft version of this recipe.