About the Cookbook

The cookbook is going to take a while to whip into shape for home cooking. The recipes we used in the Riv's kitchen were written to be useful in running a restaurant. So they reference machines the home cook probably doesn't have, like a Hobart mixer; the quantites are meant to feed a restaurant full of people for at least a whole day; and, most fun are the references to ingredient measures that were unique to the Riv, most notably the "yogi" which was the plastic container our yogurt came in and was reused as a general purpose container once it no longer had yogurt in it. At least that's how I remember it.

I'm still going to have to figure out exactly how big a "yogi" was, because several recipes call for using a yogi of some ingredient.

But the real fun will be in trying to actually make some of these recipes at more modest scale.

In the meantime, I've scanned all the pages of the cookbook, so that you can have a look at what I'm starting from. Luckily there's software to convert all those images to text, so I won't have to type them in by hand.

Please send me an email if you use any of these recipes and have reduced the ingredients down to a more reasonable cookbook size, if you have any comments on what the directions should say, or anything at all, really.

Just knowing that anyone is out there using these recipes would be a great morale boost!

The Recipes



Main Dish


Sauce / Dressing

Side Dish
